Candy Ween
Welcome to Candy Ween....
the first balloon children game based on a dark halloween theme...
My name is Jimmy and I need to explode all monsters balloons that run up the screen to collect as more candies as possible.
To explode them just touch it and you will receive 5 candy points to your score but be away from the BLACK SKULL one, is more explosive and you will GAME OVER.
If you lose a balloon, your score will downgrade of 10 candy points.
You have only 3 chances to lose monsters balloons and after that, you will lose.
This game is in Halloween theme but children can play it because graphic, characters and scenography are not offensive and if yours sons like to play it, do not worry about it, It's just funny.
Play it on halloween night, the atmosphere of this game is unique.
See you at halloween, enjoy it and good luck.

Welcome to the year 2048 ...
The earth is now destroyed and the only salvation for us (ex-terrestrial) is this little paradise on the edge of the universe ...
We're in the middle of a meteor shower, can you save us?
We belive in you ...
Good Luck !!
This game is inspired to 1980 scenography with a little reference to halloween style ambience.
Play it until christmas (then I will change almost everything to the game structure).
It's a game playable also for children...
[How To Play]
Go to the target and destroy it.
The asteroids will give you one point.
The UFO ten points.
You have only three chances to do it, after three collisions, game over.